- Job Security memo from Provost to Deans and Directors
- Job Security flyer
- Indefinite Appointment Guidelines
- Job Security data
Options for Increased Job Security
- Fixed-term, multiple-year appointment is a form of fixed-term renewable appointment made for more than one year. The length of the term is specified in writing. This type of extended appointment may be especially appropriate for individuals on multiple-year grants.
- Fixed-term rolling-horizon is a form of fixed-term appointment that extends daily for the term specified in writing. The term may be for one or more years. (ASPP 2.01.1.b).
- Information about appointments that increase job security can be found at:
- Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP), Chapter 2, “Academic Staff Appointments”
- Indefinite Appointment Guidelines
- Unclassified Personnel Policies and Procedures, Office of Human Resources, Chapter 9, “Job Security and Recognition,” visit here.
Conditions Affecting Academic Staff Job Security
Most academic staff are initially on one-year, fixed term, renewable appointments. These appointments are renewable:
- As long as the employee provides satisfactory service
- Funds are available
- Directions or needs of the program do not change.
Once an initial evaluation period has been successfully completed, the employment of an academic staff member may be ended only for reasons of:
- Funding loss
- A budget or program decision that requires a program to be discontinued, curtailed, modified, or redirected
- Unsatisfactory performance
- Misconduct.
Fixed-Term Renewable Appointment Reviews
ASPP 2.05 describes reviews of appointment status. Basically:
- Any academic staff member can be considered for a more secure appointment with a request initiated by the academic staff member or by the member’s unit at any time, no matter how long the individual has been with the university; and
- Academic staff members with five or more years of service are reviewed annually by the Dean for rolling-horizon or indefinite appointments when (1) they are an integral part of the unit’s continuing mission, (2) a funding source can be identified; and (3) the quality of their performance warrants it.
Upon request, academic staff members with five years or more of service whose appointments are for two or fewer years can get written reasons why they did not receive increased job security.
Who approves appointment changes that increase job security?
Your supervisor, department chair, or center director, and the dean/director.
Your Human Resources department or business office will know the current practice of approving appointment changes to increase job security.