The work of our world class university draws upon the rich tradition of service carried forward by our academic staff, classified staff, faculty and students. Each year the Chancellor sends out a letter encouraging the participation of academic staff on both the elected and appointed committees related to shared governance.
As generations can attest to, serving on a committee is a great way to meet others on campus and to make a vital contribution to the vibrancy of our university community. This section of the website will help you understand the work of various committees so that you can identify one or more that fits your interests and available time.
The Nominating Committee wants to hear from any academic staff member interested in serving on a committee or running for elected office in governance. To discuss your involvement and learn more, contact any of the following: the Nominating Committee, members of the Standing and Ad Hoc committees (Current members are listed under the Governance section), Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC), or the Secretary of the Academic Staff. You should discuss your involvement with your supervisor.
There are also service opportunities in your college, school, department or unit, including involvement in a Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI). CASIs advise the Dean or Director on issues pertaining to, or affecting, academic staff members in that unit. (A list of CASIs is available here). Ask members of your CASI or your departmental colleagues to find out about this and other local opportunities.
Please click on My Committee Interests to let indicate which committee(s) are of interest to you.
Click here to view the Academic Staff Governance Infographic, which provides further detail about committee opportunities.