Below are our prior artists for the Academic Staff Art Gallery, with websites for those artists who have them. Click on the pictures for the original write-up on their gallery appearances.
Fall 2019, Felipe and Carlos Eduardo Gacharná
Spring 2019, Patrick Kuhl
Fall 2018, Mary Treleven
Spring 2018, Bill Feeny
Fall 2017, Terry Emmrich
Spring 2017, Oleg Moskvin
Fall 2016, Dave Dyer
Spring 2016, Jerry Jordan,
Spring 2015, Michael Velliquette,
Fall 2014, S.V. Medaris,
Spring 2014, Linda Endlich,
Spring 2013/Fall 2013, Laura Halverson Monahan, Tracy Drier & Ilia Guzei
Fall 2012, Jim Maynard
Spring 2012, Kandis Elliot
Fall 2011, Andy Rubin
Spring 2011, Paula White
Fall 2010, Georgene Pomplun
Spring 2010, Helen Klebesadel,