The Academic Staff Assembly is an elected body, currently made up of 119 districts that represent the interests of academic staff in governance and policy development at UW-Madison. The Assembly debates and votes on policy issues affecting academic staff presented by the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC), members of Assembly Standing Committees, or the Assembly. They are one of the governance bodies that advise the chancellor.
Each academic staff member is assigned to a district that is represented in the Assembly by an elected representative. District assignments are based on two considerations: 1) the staff member’s job code (title), and 2) the employee’s division and department. Representatives are elected for two-year terms; there is no limit on the number of terms they can serve.
While Assembly Representatives are expected to attend, any interested academic staff members are encouraged to attend. All Assembly meetings are open to the public.
The Assembly meetings are held in Room 272 Bascom Hall from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month during the academic year, September through May. If the second Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting is then held on the first subsequent Monday that is not a legal holiday. Special meetings may also be called as needed.
Current Year Academic Staff Assembly Agenda/Minutes/Materials